(Source: Indian Retailer)

Imagine this scenario:

A customer is at his local store shopping for groceries. He realizes some important items are currently out of stock there. What does he do?

Well, nowadays all he has to do is take out his mobile device and conduct a “grocery store near me” search on Google. He then sees that there’s another shop just 5 minutes away by foot and heads over there. What’s more, he’s intrigued to see a promotional ad for that store on his screen.

The above is one example of hyperlocal marketing, in a nutshell.

The Pandemic Push to Hyperlocal Marketing

The pandemic, lockdowns and changing consumer behaviour have all but amplified the need to target prospective customers right where they are. Consumers now prefer the convenience of online shopping to limit their outdoor visits to local mom-and-pop stores or kiranas.

Think back to the old days of ad inserts, flyers or menus being slid under doors and car windshields.

The biggest difference now is the major technological advancements that have made this process instant.

The combination of geolocation, local search engine optimization (SEO) and Internet of Things (IoT) has made sophisticated and personalized marketing a reality today.

Benefits of Hyperlocal Marketing

 With a flexible choice of channels including print ads in local newspapers, radio ads on local stations and targeted ads on social media or digital platforms – hyperlocal marketing is truly versatile and cost-effective.

When done the right way, hyperlocal marketing can benefit businesses in several ways including:

  • Increase in foot traffic
  • Better measurable results
  • High return on investment
  • Drives word-of-mouth
  • Builds brand reputation and awareness
  • Brings in leads that are ready to purchase

4 Rules for Creating Effective Advertising Campaigns

 Here are our 4 recommendations or must-haves for getting started with a successful hyperlocal marketing campaign:

 #1) Create Hyperlocal Advertising Campaigns 

Thanks to technology, marketers can now pinpoint exactly where prospective customers are through IP addresses, GPS, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth signals.

After that, it’s a matter of setting triggers to deploy your ads as text messages, email alerts, etc.

So, when a consumer performs a particular search on their smartphones, your call to action (CTA) ad will pop up with details like your phone number and map location.

#2) Follow an Omnichannel Approach

Delivering a seamless experience to your customers is key to making hyperlocal marketing work.

Customers can place orders through different channels like your website, mobile application or even WhatsApp.

All the various aspects of their touch-points, including payment methods and sales channels, must connect smoothly.

(Source: Indian Retailer)


#3) Get Those Reviews 

Try to gather as many positive reviews from your local consumers as possible. Increasing trust in your brand will go a long way towards winning more customers.

It’s a good idea to prompt your most regular customers to write you a review online.

In case of the inevitable negative review, address them promptly and take that feedback to get better in the future.

(Source: CustomerThink)


#4) Deliver a stellar in-shop experience 

So, a customer has found your store through hyperlocal marketing and has just walked in. What next?

It’s time to provide them with an exemplary shopping experience by providing them a customized and personal environment.

Integrating technology like free in-store Wi-Fi to improve their overall experience will come in handy.

Ready to Go Hyperlocal?

It’d be an understatement to say that hyperlocal marketing is the future for many businesses. And those who recognize this early on will have the biggest edge over their competition.

Once you get started implementing local marketing, you’ll soon find new customers to take your brand to the next level.

Luckily, such a platform exists that allows you to create customized ad campaigns across different media channels. HT AdWorks conveniently connects you to your local audiences through print, radio and digital ads. It’s an integrated platform that offers your business customizable media plans, expert consultations and exclusive discounts. So, enjoy the unmatched reach of Hindustan Times by visiting us here.


Ready to take your brand to the next level? Connect with us today to explore how HT Media can amplify your presence across our diverse portfolio of 25+ brands and properties. Let's turn your brand vision into reality!

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